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Free memberships in the NRA. The NRA is offering free one year memberships. Click the link to sign up today. You may not always agree with everything they do, but they ARE the 800 lb. Gorilla fighting for your rights on a daily basis.
Force Training, LLC is dedicated to providing quality firearms training opportunities, recommendations, and products to our clients.

Please dive into our website and do a little exploring. I'm certain you will find something to fit your needs and if you do not, please contact me and I'll put together a class/package to fulfill your requirements. We are NRA certified in both Pistol and Shotgun, MN BCA certified for the MN Carry Permit, and our NRA Pistol class satisfies the Florida training requirement for their Carry permit as well. Completing just one of our Pistol classes will qualify you for application for the MN permit as well as non-resident permits in PA, NH, and FL. We also occasionlly offer certification for the UT non-resident permit, so if that is something that interests you, please let us know.

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