Courses we offer

NRA Basic Pistol
The Basic Course is typically a thorough 8-10hrs. of instruction and is designed for those just starting out. We will instruct you on how to safely handle and use a pistol for sport shooting and/or personal protection.
NRA Personal Protection
The NRA Personal Protection series of courses is designed to instruct the student how to keep, store, and utilize a handgun for personal protection. It also will teach the student how to make your home less attractive to criminals, the mental and physical aspects of a shooting incident, the legal aspects and aftermath.
NRA Basic Shotgun
This NRA course is designed for those just starting out , but is equally valuable to those that have been shooting shotguns for years. We always start with safety, but move on to parts, ammunition and types of shotguns, proper handling, and end up with the student shooting clay targets. This class is typically an 8-10 hr class including range time.

Force Training, LLC